Bengaluru, also known as Bangalore, is the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is also known as the 'Garden City of India' because of its beautiful parks, avenues and impressive buildings. Bangalore is a major economic and cultural hub and the second fastest growing major metropolis in India. Bangalore has many software companies, aerospace engineering and research institutes, telecommunication companies, and defense organizations. Bangalore is also known as the Silicon Valley of India because of its position as the nation's leading IT exporter. There are many hill stations and coastal towns around Bangalore which can be visited on weekends. Bangalore has an active nightlife with a host of exotic pubs. The weather of Bangalore is very pleasant and attracts thousands of travelers round the year and is a popular traveler destination in India.
General Information
State: Karnataka
Altitude: 920 m (3,020 ft)
Clothing : Summer- Tropical and Winter- Tropical
Temperature: Summer:35-21 C and Winter: 28-15 C
Languages: Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam Telugu, Konkani, Hindi
STD Code: 080
Best time to visit: Throughout the year, though September to March is the best time to visit.
How to reach :
Air: The airport is around 40 km from the city centre, connected by flights to different cities in India.
Rail: Bengaluru is well connected by rail with major cities in India.
Road: Bengaluru is well-connected by good motorable roads with Aihole, Badami, Bandipur etc.